Gary Holmes Hospital Maganjo

Hospital Open
24 Hours a Day
M, W, Th 9am – 3:00pm
M-Sat 8am – 5pm
Call for schedule
Call for appointment
Dental Exams:
Eye Exams:
Lab Services
Medical Transfer

Okugema Abaana Kwabweleele
Our mission:
To provide self-sustaining, affordable and equitable community-based health care services through a dedicated and professional workforce.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
General Surgery
General Medical Consultancy
Lab Services
Dental Services
Optometric Services
Onsite Pharmacy
Ambulance Services
Mobile Health Clinic

Make an appointment:

Children's Immunizations
Malaria Testing
Optical Services: eye exam & donated glasses
Select surgeries provided by visiting doctors from US
(If you want to know more about our charitable programs, contact management.)

Our Focus: Doing What is Truly Best for our Patients
"Anywhere else, I would have been operated on first, increasing my costs and risk for infection."
In 2017, Dinah Egitat, was suffering tremendous abdominal pain. She chose GHHM because on it's location near her home and it's reputation.
When she arrived, doctors examined her and diagnosed a partial obstructed bowel. GHHM performed diagnostic X-ray to evaluate the severity of the blockage and to determine in if surgery was truly necessary.
Doctors determined that the best course of treatment for Dinah would be to keep her at the hospital and give her medication.
Dinah was at GHHM for one week and then discharged with weekly check-ups. GHHM also provided medical, physical, and spiritual counseling to not only treat the body, but improve her as a whole.
Condition resolved and Dinah has not had any recurrence. Dinah says, "The doctors were so kind and did only what was best for me. Anywhere else, I would have been operated on first, increasing my costs and risk for infection.”
She was so impressed with the professionalism of the staff and quality of the services that GHHM is now the primary care clinic for her entire family.
Where To Find Us